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Ministry of Education.

Learning task 2

Think about the impact of technology on our lives

Purpose: to get students thinking about the impact of technology on our lives and changes over time.

Activity 1

The students draw a table in their books to record technologies over the ages, the dates of the inventions of these technologies, whether these technologies are used in every day life and the impact of these technologies on people's lives.

The first step is to inventions (Word 38KB) . In order to do this the teacher needs to cut up the technology and the dates. The students guess when the technology was invented and put the cut-up dates next to the technology.

The next step is to rank the technologies in order of importance. The students then choose their three top-ranking items from this list and discuss with a partner what people would have done if they did not have this technology. For example, "Before the car people walked or rode a horse". The students draw the following table in their books and record these examples.

  1. Number rank order
  2. Name of technology
  3. Date of invention
  4. Is this technology used everyday?
  5. How did this technology impact on people's lives?

Activity 2

The students choose two of the above inventions and write what impact this technology has on their daily life, using the information from their table.

Write about the impact of technology on the car

Purpose: to write about the latest technological developments

Activity 1

Vocab: Introduce the key words: safety, comfort, performance, acceleration, affordability.

Activity 2

Watch video or clips on the web about the development of the motor car - The Lamborghini (or of any other technological development) and fill in a 4 x 4 retrieval chart titled 'The Motor Car'. The students take a sheet of paper and fold their page into 4. Each quadrant has a heading:

  • Safety
  • Comfort
  • Performance - eg, speed and acceleration
  • Affordability

Put the students into jigsaw groups. In the expert groups, each student records the relevant information from the video or web clip for one quadrant. The students then return to their home groups to share the information. The teacher stresses the importance of gathering good information from each other as the next step is to write four paragraphs from the information.

Activity 3

Ask the students to write four paragraphs about the Lamborghini. Each paragraph has a topic sentence and examples from one of the quadrants.

Published on: 09 Jan 2018
