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ESOL Online. Every child literate - a shared responsibility.
Ministry of Education.

Being Eve

Adapted from The Arts/Nga Toi Materials Unit - Being Eve

Adaptations for ESOL students: Christine Jones


Year: 8-10

Level: 4-5

Duration: 4 weeks

Achievement objectives

Level 4

  • PK - Developing Practical Knowledge in Drama
    Students will combine elements and techniques and a range of conventions to extend drama practice through a variety of activities.
  • DI - Developing Ideas in Drama
    Students will initiate ideas and make individual and collective decisions in order to plan and develop drama.
  • CI - Communicating and Interpreting in Drama
    Students will present and respond to drama and identify ways in which dramatic elements, techniques, and conventions combine to make meaning.
  • UC - Understanding Drama in Context
  • Students will investigate the purposes of drama in past and present contexts and describe how communities express themselves through drama.

Level 5

  • PK - Developing Practical Knowledge in Drama
    Students will select and use dramatic elements, techniques, and conventions for specific purposes and explore the use of relevant technologies.
  • DI - Developing Ideas in Drama
    Students will initiate ideas and individually and collectively develop and refine drama for specific purposes.
  • CI - Communicating and Interpreting in Drama
    Students will present and respond to drama and describe how dramatic elements, techniques, conventions, and technologies combine to create form and meaning.
  • UC - Understanding Drama in Context
  • Students will investigate and compare the treatment of similar themes in drama of past and present cultures.

Teaching and learning activities

  1. Learning task 1: Introduction
  2. Learning task 2:Technical elements
  3. starter (Word 34KB)
  4. Learning task 4: Being a writer
  5. being_dramatic (Word 51KB)
  6. being_productive (Word 36KB)
  7. Being Eve2 (RTF 19KB)
  8. Learning task 8: Episode summaries
  9. Learning task 9: Interview with Maxine Fleming
  10. Learning task 10: Behind the Scenes  (501 kB)

Published on: 09 Jan 2018
