The main object is to study the features of an argument using a copy of an exemplar ( Exemplar A Achieved (RTF 13KB) , Exemplar B Credit (RTF 13KB) , or Exemplar C No Credit (RTF 14KB) ) so that students develop familiarity with the exemplar as well.
See DeconstructionStudentWorksheet (Word 30KB) .
Instructions: In groups of two or three discuss the statement on the card or cards given to you. Think of examples that will clearly explain each point of your statement. Be prepared to explain these to the rest of the class.
The aim is to provide students with enough information to write an argument either for or against globalisation. Guide students towards discussing the issue in relation to free trade. The note taking will be used to produce arguments for an academic controversy or debate.
Your task is to make notes for an academic controversy which is a type of debate. In this debate you will be arguing both for and against so you need to make notes for both sides of the argument. The topic is globalisation and you should focus on the issues involved in free trade.
To make a good argument you need to read as much as you can about the topic, but you only want to read useful information. To find out if a text is going to help you skim read it. Your teacher will have shown you how to do this.
You need to be able to take notes in a way that will be helpful when you come to debate and also plan your essay. Remember, anything that you copy from the text must be in quotation marks. Thus it is a skill to take really good notes that are in your own words. You must make notes in your own words. The dot and jot technique is useful for this or use any technique your teacher has shown you.
What are the costs and the benefits of free trade? is a really good site which discusses the arguments for and against globalisation and contains many links to other sites. Remember to focus on free trade. If you print out a copy, you can practise skimming and note taking. However, if you copy pieces into a word document then you must still make notes in your own words otherwise it is plagiarism. Plagiarism is copying another student's work or copying information from a text or the internet. Any sentence that is not your own must be quoted using speech marks. Plagiarism is cheating and results in a zero mark.
To do: make your own notes both for and against globalisation focusing on the issues of free trade.
Published on: 25 Jun 2009