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ESOL Online. Every child literate - a shared responsibility.
Ministry of Education.

Energy from food: Unit Standard 17363

(Shooting for Her Goal, pp 16 - 17 in Applications, 2001. Wellington: Learning Media.)

Writer: ESOL Advisors, Christchurch College of Education

NCEA Level Duration
 3  1 period


Unit Standard Being Assessed Performance Criteria
US 17363, Version 3
Read independently information texts, using ESOL.


1.1 The topic of each text is identified from the layout, headings, and graphics.
1.2 Specific sections of each text are located.
1.3 Any abbreviations used are interpreted to demonstrate understanding of their meaning.
1.4 Main ideas in each text are identified and linked to subordinate ideas.
1.5 Understanding is demonstrated of essential vocabulary within each text.
Range: at least ten vocabulary items-meaning, grammatical form.
1.6 The effect on meaning of at least three cohesive devices is demonstrated.
Range: cohesive devices may include but are not limited to - conjunctions, personal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, articles.


Published on: 22 Jun 2009
