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Ministry of Education.


Writer: Gayle Cattell

NCEA Level: 2 Duration: 5 weeks

Unit standard being assessed

US 8825 Version 4
 Transactional writing in complex forms.

Performance criteria

  • Writing develops idea(s).
  • Ideas are logically developed, sequenced, and supported by relevant details and/or examples.
  • Conventions of chosen form are observed and are appropriate to the purpose of the writing.
  • Final product is crafted to publication standard.

Language learning outcomes

  •  Writing an argument.

Curriculum links

This Globalisation unit links to Year 12 and Year 13 Economics, as well as to transactional writing in the English Curriculum.

Guidelines for use

Students will develop pieces of transactional writing arguing either for or against globalisation focusing on the issues surrounding free trade.


The same conditions for assessment apply when assessing 8825 and the internally assessed writing achievement standard 90376 Produce crafted and developed formal transactional writing [2.2] - or any internally assessed unit or achievement writing standard at any level. Teachers must be satisfied that the work is the students'. Students should complete internally assessed writing work in class. If the pieces are to be assessed for summative assessment, teachers should ensure that the extent of teacher input does not compromise assessment validity; in other words, the writing is the students', not the teachers'.

This is an internal assessment and as such should be worked on only in the classroom under teacher supervision. To ensure authenticity, students work should be held by the teacher between periods.

Teachers may guide students actively through the initial tasks helping them to identify techniques mentioned. Teachers may show how the techniques used in the exemplars can be applied to students' own writing.

As they develop drafts, teachers can advise students that their writing may need further work on ideas, language, structure; or on accuracy in spelling, punctuation or paragraphing but they may not correct errors. Students should have access to dictionaries to check their writing. Word processing is acceptable providing it is done under teacher supervision.

Consultation should occur with each student prior to the final submission. Students should have several opportunities during the year to develop their transactional writing skills.

Students may use English language dictionaries, but not a foreign language or electronic dictionaries. Students should be fully aware of the process contained in the TeacherInstructionSheet (Word 30KB) .

Teachers should guide students towards completing the task by helping them identify techniques in the exemplar and how these can be applied to the students writing. Between drafts, teachers can advise students that their writing may need further work on ideas, language, structure or accuracy in spelling, punctuation or paragraphing, but should not correct errors. Consultation should occur with each student prior to the final submission.

Note: Teachers using this unit will need to check that it accords with their school assessment policy.

Teaching and learning activities

Prior to commencing this unit it is highly advisable to introduce a formative argument on another topic. A suggestion is the Fat tax unit which not only contains a variety of grammar tasks, but will also prepare students for the summative task of writing an argument.

Select and adapt these learning activities to best meet the needs of your students, and to fit the time available:

The ERICA model (Morris and Stewart-Dore, 1984) was selected as a framework for task design as it would prepare students adequately by providing opportunities to link to their prior knowledge, learn new vocabulary, think issues through as well as extract and organize information needed for the summative task. Some suggested adaptations for lower ability students have been included in green.

Learning task 1

Learning task 2

Learning task 3


Completion of this task to a satisfactory standard meets one of the three transactional essays required for US 8825.

After completing tasks 1 to 11 students should then start the assessment task. Allow approximately four periods, but vary the time to suit student needs.

Refer to the conditions relating to internal assessment, the TeacherInstructionSheet (Word 30KB) and FormativeAssessmentSchedule (Word 50KB) . The planning page may be replaced with another planning method if students have not used this type of concept map in the formative task.

Pupils require the assessment pack which includes: Exemplar A Achieved (RTF 13KB) , Exemplar B Credit (RTF 13KB) and Exemplar C No Credit (RTF 14KB) , DraftCopy (Word 22KB) , AssessmentTaskActivity (Word 22KB) , FormativeAssessmentSchedule (Word 50KB) and their exercise books containing notes. Copies of the texts used may also be available.

Assessment note

Unit standard 8825 assesses similar outcomes to achievement standard 90376 Produce crafted and developed formal transactional writing [2.2]. Both standards require the same overall standard of writing to gain achievement [2.2] and credit [8825]. Even though the two standards assess similar outcomes, there are some differences in terminology. The term "conventions" is used in performance criteria 1.3 [8825] to mean style and structure. "Conventions" in the formal writing achievement standard refers to grammar, spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

The standard of technical accuracy required in 8825's pc 1.4: " Final product is crafted to publication standard" is identical to achievement level for the 2.2 conventions criterion: "use writing conventions accurately."



  • Morris, B. and Stewart-Dore, N. (1984). Effective Reading in the Content Areas. North Ryde, NSW: Addison Wesley
  • NSW Department of Education and Training. (1985). Skills in Economics. Multicultural Centre, NSW Department of Education


Published on: 25 Jun 2009
