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Ministry of Education.

Learning task 3


  1. Students begin their own research. Students can choose their research topics. Reinforce that they may select the language of immigration as their research topic or other topics shown in the exemplars in the student instruction booklet [the Language of War; of Travel; of Sport].
  2. Students must gain teacher approval for their topics before beginning research.
  3. Having selected their topics, students must frame appropriate research questions. They should consider the types of questions they developed in the formative activity on the language of immigration. Depending on their topics, students should develop about three open-ended questions including factual and interpretative questions. It is important that they include interpretative questions, as these questions help them draw conclusions and make judgements. Students must gain teacher approval for their questions before continuing with their research.
  4. Students should begin to collect information to help them address their research questions. They should look back to the previous task to help decide on the methods they will use to record information.


  1. Once students have begun their own research it is important to establish a timetable with them of what they should complete by a given due date.
  2. With students, work out together how long they have got to complete a certain task. Set deadlines. For example, "by this date you will have located four sources of information, by this date you will have shown me your key questions etc."
  3. Check student progress in class. Look for evidence of: keywords, note making, key questions, a data chart or other template where they are recording information including details for their bibliography. Students need to be constantly monitoring their own progress and be prepared to change or modify their questions as they search and sift. A good model is the research cycle.
  4. Arrange for students to have access to computers for at least 8 classes.
  5. You should constantly monitor students as they work, help them to read and locate information, ensuring they are note making wisely.
  6. Take them to the school library to locate other sources of information. They need a range of referenced resources.
  7. To ensure that students are managing their time well and staying on task use the Managing Your Time Worksheet (Word 31KB) .

Preparing for writing

  1. Study a merit exemplar report. Cut it into sections. Photocopy the labels that identify various language features and the structure.
  2. In small groups ask students to reassemble the report into paragraphs and place labels in appropriate places on the report.
  3. Once they have completed the task, ask students to walk around and discuss with other groups their choices in the placement of the labels.
  4. Students should note that they must structure and organise information and ideas in an appropriate written format in their reports. This should include:
    • An introduction stating the focus of research
    • A body of accurate information presented
    • Relevant conclusions drawn from information presented
  5. The Excellence exemplar "The Language of War" in the student instruction booklet is also worth studying in detail, but may be a little daunting for less advanced students. It is important that students get a feel for the standard expected and look at exemplars at all levels.

Writing a bibliography

Show students how to set out a bibliography. For a student handout use How to set out a Bibliography (Word 33KB) .

Published on: 16 Jul 2009
