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ESOL Online. Every child literate - a shared responsibility.
Ministry of Education.

Learning task 3

Learning Intentions

We are learning to:

  • understand others’ cultural practices
  • use topic specific vocabulary
  • write a definition of treasure
  • find main ideas in a text to write a summary

Key vocabulary / structures

family history ancestors

a treasure / taonga generation

to treasure heritage

Also: pronouns

use of ‘because…’

Treasure is…

 We changed treasure from _____ to _______ .

Key Competencies Thinking
Using Language Symbols & Texts
Participating and Contributing
Principles and values Cultural Diversity
Learning to Learn

‘My Family Treasure’ (Jigsaw)

The teaching and learning sequence moves into an adaptation of ' Family Treasures'.


For the Jigsaw task

Prior Knowledge (our definition of treasure)

We are going to think about what we mean when we say that something is treasure.

The class will have had opportunities to think about and discuss some key vocabulary in this unit. For examples see Template 4 - 1st language Homework (Word 36KB)  and  Template 5 - Vocab list (Word 33KB)

To foster collaboration and inclusion, the teacher organises groups so that learners have an opportunity to engage with others who speak their first language in order to talk about their ideas.

In order to do this the class will complete a jigsaw activity.

Students are being asked to think about and talk about these two questions:

  • What is an example of treasure?
  • What is treasure? 

Teaching Sequence

We are learning to write a definition of treasure

  1. Home Groups

    Students move into their Home Groups

    These groups are pre-selected by the teacher, but students select their roles within the group (Leader, Reader, Recorder, Sharer)

    Students discuss and record their answers in the 'Time 1' column of Template 6 - Treasure is ... (Word 27KB)

    Students share their thinking using the sentence starter, ‘Treasure is…’

    Teacher Questioning

    • What are some of the examples of treasure that your group wrote?
    • Has any group got a different example of treasure than we’ve had so far?
  2. Teacher Modelling

    We are learning to find main ideas in a text to write a summary.

    Now that students have thought about some examples of treasure and what treasure is, they are going to read some information from a variety of families that tell them about their treasure. Resource: SJ P1 N3 2007 “Family Treasures”.

    Teacher models finding main ideas using p 2 “Family Treasures,” by highlighting
    a) the treasure in the text
    b) the key ideas

    Teacher: I now need to make a summary which shows I have understood the ideas. My summary is:
    Rupuha has a _______as __ treasure.
    It is treasure because…(refer to the pronoun, use of because..)

    You will have 5-8 minutes to do your highlighting and write your summary (Word 22KB) .

  3. Expert Groups

    Each group receives a summary template (Word 22KB) with one page of the School Journal text.

    Students move into their Expert Groups. They highlight and summarise the text.
    Note: in this jigsaw task everyone will need to agree on what to highlight first of all. Then they will write their answers. Everyone will need to leave the group with the same information. Foundation level English language learners can work with a buddy.

    Teacher: You have learned something about one child’s family. Now you need to take this information back to your home group.

  4. Home Groups
    Teacher: Now you are the expert in your information about one family’s treasure. Each member shares their summary and talks about the treasure in their text.

    Now write in the ‘Time 2’ column of Template 6 - Treasure is ... (Word 27KB) any new ideas that you have heard.

    Now you need to consider what you have found out. Can you now think of any new thoughts about what is treasure? Write any new ideas for your definition of treasure in the ‘Time 2’ column (4 or 5 mins).

  5. Whole class - Examining the students’ work

    Did you have any surprises about the family’s treasure? Did your group add or alter the definition?

    Students reply using speaking frame:
    We changed treasure from _____ to ______

    What is you new definition of treasure? Record on strips of paper and put onto your class vocab wall.

    Return to the Learning Intentions. What helped you to learn about treasure today?

    Did we meet the learning intentions?

Home Learning Links
Students write these questions to ask their family:

  • What is something our family would think of as a treasure? Where is it from?
  • Why is it important to us? How old is it?
  • Do we know words for ‘treasure’ in other languages?

Students bring their treasure to school (or a photo or sketch of things of value).

Teacher records a list of treasures for the class to see and add to throughout the unit.


Have students consider the Big Idea again and record their thinking on Template 2 - Before, During and After (Word 2007 17KB) .

Published on: 09 Jan 2018
