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ESOL Online. Every child literate - a shared responsibility.
Ministry of Education.

Learning task 9

Visual Art Learning Intentions:

We are learning to:

  • design a siapo using symbols which represent something about us
  • describe a design and its meaning to others.

We will know we can do this when we can:

  • create an effective siapo design that includes symbols which represent us
  • tell a buddy what our design means.

Language Learning Intentions:

We are learning to:

  • use mathematical language to describe a design
  • explain to others what the symbols in a design represent and give a reason why they were chosen.

We will know we can do this when we can:

  • use vocabulary such as ‘rotated, reflected, translated’ etc
  • use vocabulary such as ‘because’ or ‘as’ in a sentence to give a reason why each symbols was chosen.
Key Competencies Thinking
Using Language Symbols & Texts
Managing Self
Principles and Values Excellence
Innovation, Inquiry, and Curiosity

Equipment & Resources Needed:

  • Paper tiles or images of students’ selected symbols scanned on to computers
  • Printshop/ Word/ Paint programmes to manipulate images on computers
  • Grid paper to glue tiles on to
  • Speaking frame (Word 37KB)

Step 1:

The teacher explains to the students that they will be using paper tiles and/ or scanned images of the symbols that they selected during learning task 7, to create an effective siapo design. Discuss and model (by rotating, translating, reflecting etc) how to create an effective design and ask the students to decribe how the symbols have been transformed.

For example:
‘The leaf symbol has been reflected.’
‘The koru sybol has been rotated half a turn.’

The students experiment with reflecting, rotating and translating their own symbols and look at those that make the best effect. Then they glue the tiles on to grid paper.

Note: Getting students to complete this part using ICT would be beneficial as they are able to easily manipulate and reproduce the symbols they need for their design. Some students may also be able to create their symbols (instead of drawing) using ICT.

Step 2:

The students (in groups of four) share their completed siapo design and explain what each symbol represents, why they chose each symbol and how they arranged their tiles using mathematical vocabulary.

Speaking frames: (for the students who need them)

‘My siapo uses a/ an ________ and a/ an _________ symbol.’
‘I chose these symbols because/ as…
‘I have __________ (rotated, reflected, translated)…

Step 3:

The students reflect on their final siapo design in their art journal and write down how they arranged their tiles to create an effective siapo design. They also reflect on what they would do differently next time or how they could improve their design.

For example:

  • Use fewer symbols in their siapo;
  • Reflect, rotate or translate symbols differently;
  • Use a repeating symbol as a border around the outside of the siapo.

Published on: 09 Jan 2018
