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ESOL Online. Every child literate - a shared responsibility.
Ministry of Education.

Learning task 5 (A link to guided reading)

Visual Art Learning Intentions:

We are learning to:

  • identify background information about an artist
  • identify symbols used by an artist.

We will know we can do this when we can:

  • explain aspects such as where the artist is from, what types of artworks they create and any other interesting information
  • name symbols that the artist uses.

Reading Learning Intentions:

We are learning to:

  • make connections between our prior knowledge and a text we are reading;
  • ask questions to help us understand a text.

We will know we can do this when we can:

  • explain what we already about a topic and how it connects to the text we are reading
  • ask questions before, during and after reading a text.
Key Competencies Thinking
Using Language Symbols & Texts
Managing Self
Participating & Contributing
Principles and Values Coherence
Community and Participation

Equipment & Resources Needed:

  • Group 1: Samoan readers
    ‘O le ‘Ie ufi Moega mo Ropati’ by Maria Samuela (Tupu text – MOE)
  • Group 2: Lower reading proficiency
    Electronic storybook text: ‘Bringing Stories to Life’ by Caren Wilton
    (‘Give it a Try and other stories’ – MOE)
  • Group 3: Proficient readers
    Teacher-made texts (summarised from information from the internet and books):
    Fatu Feu’u (Word 55KB)
    Michel Tuffery (Word 45KB)

Note: This lesson uses differentiated texts which aim to engage and support all students (regardless of reading proficiency).

Step 1: Share

Share the purpose of the Guided Reading session (to read about an artist and share key information) and learning intentions with the class and explain success criteria.

Explain definitions of contemporary and traditional style. Ask students to think about whether the artist they read about uses a traditional or contemporary style.

Step 2: Reading Group Activities

Explain reading tasks for each group.

  • Group 1: Samoan readers

    Briefly introduce text (let students quickly look through text) and then ask the students to think of questions that they have about the text (E.g. Who are the characters in the story? What are they making and why? Where is the story set? etc). Record questions on ‘Question Web’. Get the students to read the story together and to discuss and answer any questions that they have recorded as they read. The students may add more questions to the question web (use a different colour pen) during the reading. After the reading, the students can work together to complete the ‘Tupu Post-Reading Artist Summary’.

    For example:
    Who was the artist?
    What artwork did the artist create?
    What symbols did the artist use?

  • Group 2: Electronic storybook (lower reading proficiency)

    Briefly introduce text (let the students quickly click through pages of electronic storybook) then ask the students to complete ‘Before’ part of web (things they know about Ali Teo). Get the students to read the story with a buddy and then complete the ‘After’ part of their web (new things they have learned about Ali Teo). The students can then work with a buddy to complete the ‘Post-Reading Artist Summary’.

  • Group 3: Teacher-made texts (two reading groups – Fatu Feu’u/ Michel Tuffery)

    Explain the reading task to groups. Ask the students to complete the ‘K – What I know’ of the KWL chart about the artist they will be reading about and then to write questions that they would like to find out in the ‘W – What I want to find out’. The students then read the text about the artist and record answers to their questions in the ‘L – What I have learned’. The students then work with a buddy (who read about the same artist as them) and complete the ‘Post-Reading Artist Summary’.

Step 3: Sharing the Learning

Get the students into groups which have a mix from each reading group (four students per group) and have each student briefly describe their artist using the speaking frame provided.

Speaking frame:
‘The artist I read about was …’
‘Something I learned about his/her background was…’
‘The artworks he/ she creates are…’
‘The symbols he/ she uses are…’

Published on: 09 Jan 2018
