Visual Art Learning Intentions:
We are learning to:
We will know we can do this when we can:
This is an exploratory activity to ascertain language and content knowledge.
Think - each student thinks about any background knowledge or prior experiences that may be relevant. Explain to students that we all need time to recall what we know about a topic. The 'wait' or 'think' time has been demonstrated to be a powerful factor in improving student responses to questions.
Pair/share - gives repeated opportunities for academic talk in authentic contexts
The teacher moves around the groups during step 2 and listens to the student talk closely to get an idea of student expertise, what they know and what language they can use to express their ideas about the topic.
Equipment & Resources Needed:
Step 1: Think
Give each pair a piece of siapo (or tapa). Mix native speakers and English language learners. Give the students a few minutes to touch and feel the siapo and to think about the guiding questions displayed on the whiteboard.
Step 2: Pair
Ask the students to share their thoughts with each other and to discuss the guiding questions. The pairs report to another pair. One member of the group records the findings.
Step 3: Share
The groups of four report to the whole class. After the first group has reported ask the other groups to add any new ideas that have not already been shared.
Step 4: Summarise
Record the students’ responses on a brainstorm. The students are able to add to this brainstorm during the unit.
Step 5: Introduce the different names used to describe siapo (or barkcloth):
E.g. Samoa – siapo, Tonga – Ngatu, Tahiti & Cook Islands – tapa, Niue – hiapo, Hawaii – kapa, Fiji – masi, etc.
What to Look For
Published on: 09 Jan 2018