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ESOL Online. Every child literate - a shared responsibility.
Ministry of Education.


Classroom resources 

  • Focus on English
    The Focus on English series is designed to provide an English language scaffold for new learners of English in New Zealand schools and supports the curriculum in mathematics, science and social studies for years 7 to 10. This popular print resource has been digitised for online use.
  • LEARNZ virtual fieldtrips : LEARNZ offers a series of free, virtual field trips for NZ teachers and their classes, which are part of the Ministry of Education's Learning Experiences Outside the Classroom (LEOTC) programme. English Language Learners (ELLs) also enjoy using the visual material which allows them to interact with inaccessible people and places.
  • Paragraphs game: Paragraphs are a collection of sentences. They are used in writing to introduce new sections of a story, characters or pieces of information. Paragraphs help readers to enjoy what has been written because they break text up into easy-to-read sections.
  • Reading quest, making sense in social studies - strategies for reading comprehension: A range of strategies to use with students to develop comprehension.
  • Teachers' notes for Waves - A film by Li Tao These notes accompany a DVD of the documentary film Waves, which has been sent to all secondary schools with international students.
  • Teaching maths to ESOL students (PDF 100KB): General principles and background reading.
  • Language of Science (Specialised Language): Examples of language features found in traditional science texts (ARB). You will need to have your password to access to New Zealand’s assessment resource bank to view this page.

Professional readings

Updated on: 17 Apr 2019
