Welcoming new families into your school provides the opportunity to gather rich information about English language learners in addition to information normally collected at enrolment.
To ensure eligibility to enrol, the school will follow the procedure outlined in Ministry of Education Circular 2020/08 Eligibility to enrol in New Zealand schools.
This circular is about the eligibility requirements for enrolment in New Zealand schools. It includes advice on verifying eVisas which in some cases have replaced Passport stamps; and changes to recording International Group Students for state and state-integrated schools.
This circular replaces 2012/01.
[Schools are required to] gather information that is sufficiently comprehensive to enable evaluation of student progress and achievement; to identify students and groups of students ... who are at risk of not achieving.
You can gather background information using a supplementary enrolment form to guide discussion:
Additional guidance:
It is also good practice to find out about languages and culture:
Updated on: 16 Apr 2019