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ESOL Online. Every child literate - a shared responsibility.
Ministry of Education.

ESOL Teacher Resource Exchange Years 9-13

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L=Listening, S=Speaking, R=Reading, W=Writing, V=Viewing, P=Presenting, Vocab=Vocabulary, O=Other

Focus Strands File type Resource Teaching as inquiry File size Contributor


Teacher resource Linking Words and their Functions (Publisher)

A poster overview of some common linking words and their functions. This can be used by learners alongside the accompanying resource 'Linking Words: Sample Sentences' which shows how to use them correctly.

Keywords: function, linking

Student needs (Focusing inquiry)

171.50 kB

Julie Luxton


Teacher resource Linking Words: Sample Sentences (Word)

These sample sentences sit alongside the mind map 'Linking Words and their Functions' also posted on this teacher resource exchange.

Keywords: linking, sentences

Student needs (Focusing inquiry)

39.50 kB

Julie Luxton

L, R, S, W

Teacher resource Assessment for English Language Learners: Some Options for Placement, Diagnosis and Funding (Word)

This resource identifies and links to appropriate assessments for English language learners that can be used for initial and diagnostic assessment. The most commonly used tools are highlighted in the list. (Updated February 2014.)

Keywords: assessment, diagnostic, placement

Student needs (Focusing inquiry)
Teacher needs (Teaching inquiry)

150.00 kB

Julie Luxton


Teacher resource Teaching Multi-Level English Language Classes (Word 2007)

This short article outlines some practical approaches for ESOL specialists who teach classes of English language learners with a wide range of English language proficiency.

Teacher needs (Teaching inquiry)

19.69 kB

Julie Luxton


Teacher resource Teaching multi-level EL classes in Aotearoa NZ (Word 2007)

This document originates from the UE Plus workshops held in Term 1, 2014. It focuses on approached to teaching classes multi-level classes with English Language Learners (ELLs) with a wide range of English language proficiency.

Keywords: multi-levelling

Student needs (Focusing inquiry)

19.69 kB

Julie Luxton


Teacher resource Useful Vocabulary Lists and Tests Overview (Word)

This document summarises online and print resources for ESOL teachers relating to high frequency and academic vocabulary lists and tests (receptive and productive). It will save you a lot of search time!

Keywords: vocabulary; lists; tests; high frequency; academic

Teacher needs (Teaching inquiry)

41.00 kB

Julie Luxton


Teacher resource Assessment for English Language Learners: Some Options for Placement, Diagnosis and Funding (Word)

This resource is an annotated list of a range of assessment tools used by teachers to ascertain the learning needs of ELLs in vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Keywords: ESOL; assessment

Teacher needs (Teaching inquiry)

130.50 kB

Julie Luxton


Teacher resource Powerpoint on NZQA assessment support materials for ESOL levels 3 and 4 (PowerPoint 2007)

This is a copy of the Powerpoint delivered by Jenni Bedford at the AKTESOL Expo on 20tth August, 2011. It considers the developement and guiding principles of the support materials and the pathways the EAP standrds provide for students.

1.49 MB

Jenni Bedford


Teacher resource Diagnostic Reading Tool (Word 2007)

This diagnostic reading tool is based on the Englisg Language Learning Progressions. It was designed for use by mainstream and ESOL teachers.

Keywords: assessment, ELLP, reading

Teacher needs (Teaching inquiry)

58.13 kB

Helen Panayiodou


Teacher resource Summative assessment US27983v1 (Word 2007)

In 2014, we introdueced this standard for our intermediate ESOL students (pre-NCEA level 1 students). We broke the summatives into parts, giving the students four SATs. To pass the standard, they had to achieve two of the tasks we gave them. This is part 1 and part 2. We critiqued inhouse and this standard has not been externally moderated yet (as at July 2014).

Impact (Learning inquiry)

133.87 kB

Glenn Murphy

Displaying 11 - 20 of 29 resources
