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Learning Outcomes | Teaching and Learning | Assessment and Evaluation | Printing Version


Silvia Insley and Fran Hunter.

Adapted to meet the requirements of ESOL unit standard 2986, version 7.

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Overview This unit is written for secondary English language learners to develop information text reading and writing skills as a scaffold to NZ Curriculum science and social science learning area achievement objectives. It focuses on building topic specific vocabulary, identifying main ideas and supporting details and understanding the effect of cohesive devices.

Learning Outcomes

(What do my students need to learn?)

What are my students’ current strengths and learning needs?

Use previous reading assessments (e.g. asTTle or PAT scores, previous ESOL unit standard assessments, PROBE assessments, running records, vocabulary levels tests, formative assessments) alongside The English Language Learning Progressions (ELLP) reading and writing matrices to establish the level at which students are working and their current strengths and needs. Resources from the English Assessment Resource Bank (ARB) can also be valuable for this purpose e.g. identify the main idea at levels 3-4. The unit includes activities designed to ascertain what learners already know about the topic.

Curriculum Links Assessment Links
Learning area: English (ESOL)

Unit standard 27999: Write simple texts on familiar topics

Students can also be formatively assessed on creating a visual text.

Focus: Written language 

English: Reading

AO L3/4:

Purposes and audiences

Show a developing / increasing understanding of how texts are shaped for different purposes and audiences.

Language features

Show a developing / increasing understanding of how language features are used for effect within and across texts.

English Language Learning Progressions:

Students will be working at ELLP stage 2.

English Language Intensive Programme:

The language features and text complexity focused on relate most closely to ELIP stage 2.

Learning area achievement objectives:

Links could also be made to:

Social Studies: Place and Environment

AO L4: Understand how exploration and innovation create opportunities and challenges for people, places and environments.

Science: Planet Earth and Beyond

AO L4: Develop an understanding that water, air, rocks and soil, and life forms make up our planet and recognise that these are also Earth’s resources.


Key Competencies: all five with particular emphasis on:

Using language, symbols and text: to interpret and explain text features and access information

Thinking: to develop understanding, construct knowledge and reflect on their own learning


Specific Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

  • identify the main idea of an information text using illustrations and layout
  • identify main points and supporting details in an information text
  • identify the effect on meaning of cohesive devices in an information text
  • understand the meaning of essential vocabulary in an information text
  • write a paragraph using a topic sentence and supporting detail
  • create a simple static image which combines visual and verbal features.
Language learning outcomes

Key vocabulary:

Topic-specific words e.g. Antarctica, ice, north, south, the equator, glacier, the atmosphere, surface, moisture, conditions, forecasters, freeze, thaw, blizzard, whiteout, intense, hostile

Collocations e.g. the ice age, ice cap, ice shelf, global warming, the greenhouse effect, weather cycles, convection currents, the wind-chill, the northern and southern hemispheres

Comparative and superlative adjectives: cold, colder; drier, driest

Text features of information reports:


general opening statement

main ideas / facts and supporting details

paragraphs and topic sentences

illustrations or diagrams which support the text


nouns and noun phrases e.g. the chill, global weather cycles, the hole in the ozone layer

timeless present tense, for example, freezes, break

relating or linking verbs, for example, is, has

action verbs, for example, sail, freeze, blow

cohesive devices including conjunctions (for example, but, because, if), pronoun reference (for example, it, they, these), repetition of key nouns (for example, ice) and lexical chains (for example, ice - freeze – snow – blizzard)

See also:

Features of text forms – Reports

ELIP stage 2 sample information report genre texts with language features annotated:

‘Kiwi’ (5c); ‘Sharks’ (5d); ‘Kangaroos’ (11c); ‘Antarctica’ (11d); ‘New Zealand’ (20c) and ‘Drugs’ (20d).

Suggested Duration 2-3 weeks

Teaching and Learning

(What do I need to know and do?)

Teacher background reading:

Derewianka, B. (1990) Exploring How Texts Work. Sydney: Primary Teaching Association.

Information Reports, pages 47–56

Schoenbach, R.et al (2003) Apprenticing Adolescents to reading in Subject Area Classrooms Phi Delta Kappan pages 133-138

Some teaching and learning resources:


Antarctic Exploration

Tramline Virtual Field Trip: Antarctica

Human Involvement and Impact


Alchin, R. (2008) Connected - The Big Chill and the Big Drill. Wellington: Learning Media

Alchin, R. (1997) Applications - Time on Ice. Wellington: Learning Media

Westerkov, K. (1991) Time Capsule in the Antarctic. Wellington: Learning Media

Select from, adapt and supplement the teaching and learning tasks below to meet your students’ identified learning needs.

Learning task 1

Learning task 2

Learning task 3

Learning task 4

Learning task 5

Assessment and Evaluation

(What is the impact of my teaching and learning?)

Assessment Task: Antarctica: ESOL unit standard 2986 (version 7)

Note that this task assesses one of two tasks required for this standard.

Assessment schedule: Antarctica: ESOL unit standard 2986 (version 7)

It is recommended that the work on reading information texts completed in this unit is extended into writing information texts in a following unit.

Printing this unit

If you are not able to access the zipped files, please download the following individual files:

Visual language

Classroom resources 

Exploring visual language: this resource provides support on how visual texts work.

New Zealand exemplars in English: The matrices for presenting static and moving images unpack what the deeper features of 'purposes and audiences' might look like at levels 1–5.

Audio Visual Archives: From Archives New Zealand, this site features 100 National Film Unit films, including Weekly Reviews and Pictorial Parade newsreels, as well as one-off documentaries. These provide a unique insight into New Zealand's cultures and heritage. It also has information on the National Film Unit, Archives New Zealand's preservation work, and stories on filmmakers and films. Levels 1–8

World War II Posters: Powers of Persuasion: This online exhibit features National Archives propaganda posters and sound files used by the United States government to explain and promote the war effort in Europe and the Pacific.

Progress and achievement

For students, progress and achievement in literacy affects all curriculum learning. Ensuring that each student is making individual progress and achieving success is crucial to both their understanding of current schooling, and their prospects for the future. To enable us to judge how successful our teaching has been and plan for further teaching, we can use a range of assessment tools and procedures.

To guide us in the analysis and use of assessment information we can reflect on the following three questions:

  • How can I use what I learn about students’ literacy strengths and needs to plan for further learning?
  • How can I support students in self-regulating their literacy learning?
  • How can I monitor the effectiveness of my teaching practice?

The Literacy Learning Progressions, as well as the Principles, Vision and Key Competencies of The New Zealand Curriculum provide a starting point for what students are expected to know and be able to do in any particular year level.  The New Zealand Curriculum exemplars for written, visual and oral language, as well as an oral language matrix of progress indicators, give another chance for you to analyse student work, and are particularly effective when shared with the students.

Progress and Consistency Tool (PaCT)
There are three frameworks: reading, writing, and mathematics. Each framework comprises seven or eight progressions which describe the different aspects of reading, writing, and mathematics that should be considered to get a comprehensive view of students’ progress. Each progression includes the significant signposts that all students are expected to move past as they develop their knowledge and skills and apply them with increasing expertise from school entry to the end of year 10.

The Learning Progression Frameworks (LPF)
The LPF is an online tool that illustrates the significant steps that students take as they develop their expertise in reading, writing, and mathematics from Years 1–10, spanning levels 1–5 of the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC).

The LPF builds on the NZC, and it underpins the Progress and Consistency Tool (PaCT) for years 1–8 (curriculum levels 1–4), creating a powerful toolbox for planning and assessing progress. 

Questions to think about in your school context

The following questions can be used when planning your next steps:

  • What information have I gathered from my inquiry? Where can I go next?
  • What knowledge and skills do the students need?
  • What are the students' strengths? What evidence informs this?
  • What are the students' learning needs? What evidence informs this?
  • How can I most effectively change what I am doing with my students in order to achieve better outcomes?

Assessment processes

Assessment processes are more flexible and variable assessment strategies or activities that are designed to improve teaching and learning. Such processes are part of the ongoing interaction between teaching and learning. Much of the evidence gathered will be 'of the moment', with analysis and interpretation taking place in our minds as we seek to shape our actions to ensure students’ progress.

Examples include: informal observation, teacher-student conferences, using exemplars, and records of how students make meaning of information as they listen/read/view text and create meaning for others through speaking, writing, and presenting text.  Student voice and  reflections are also extremely valuable insights into where your students are with their learning.

For more information on assessment processes:

Curriculum Progress Tools (LPF and PaCT)

The  Curriculum Progress Tools 
These include the Learning Progression Frameworks (LPF) and the Progress and Consistency Tool (PaCT). Together, the two tools support progress in reading, writing, and mathematics. 

The  Assessment tool selector 

A resource designed to help select the most appropriate assessment tool to suit a particular purpose. The selector gives information about assessment tools for every area of the curriculum, up to and including Year 10.

Assessment Resource Banks (ARBs)
These consist of curriculum-based assessment resources designed for students working at English, maths, and science curriculum levels 2 to 5, for use in New Zealand schools. 

e-asTTle (Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning) is an online assessment tool, developed to assess students’ achievement and progress in reading, mathematics, writing, and in pānui, pāngarau and tuhituhi. The tool has been developed primarily for the assessment of students in years 5–10, but because it tests curriculum levels 2-6 it can be used for students in lower and higher year levels.

English Exemplars
An English exemplar is a sample of authentic student work annotated to illustrate learning, achievement, and quality in relation to levels 1 to 5 of English curriculum achievement objectives (1993). The English exemplars relate to every strand of the English curriculum, to a range of achievement objectives, and to a variety of associated text forms.

Teachers used Progressive Achievement Tests (PATs) to assess listening comprehension in years 3 to 9, and to assess reading comprehension, reading vocabulary, and maths in years 4 to 9.

School Entry Assessment: School Entry Assessment (SEA) enables teachers of new entrants to gather information about their literacy and numeracy skills, as individuals and within groups, so that they can make informed decisions when planning a student’s learning programme.

Supplementary Test of Achievement in Reading:
Supplementary Test of Achievement in Reading (STAR) helps teachers to identify those needing extra help, group children by ability and needs, diagnose areas of difficulty, and evaluate programmes. It can be used to assess reading years 3 to 9.

6 Year Net (Observation Survey)
Six Year Net involves observing students who have been at school for a year to see if they are making the expected progress in literacy. It helps teachers to identify students who may need extra help and support.
