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Teaching writing in years 1-8

These resources have been created to provide teaching strategies, examples, and information to show you more about the effective teaching of writing. The three resources below each represent the particular learning and curriculum needs of the students in each of the year groupings. Use these resources for specific planning and teaching foci or dip into them for individual or group professional learning needs. Each of these resources also link to the cross-curricular Writing Hub Teacher Support Materials.

Teaching writing in years 1-3

Building a strong foundation

This resource provides practical suggestions and strategies for ensuring students get off to a good start in the first three years, particularly in writing, building a strong foundation, and ensuring students make expected progress in these crucial early years.

Teaching writing in years 4-6

Increasing progress

In this resource you will find practical strategies and supportive information, built around case studies in English, science, or social sciences contexts, for supporting the important cross curricula teaching focus for writing at this level. The resource also exemplifies how effective teaching in these years can support students to make more than expected progress in one year.

Teaching writing in years 7-8

Accelerating progress

This resource has been revised from an earlier addition and has a strong focus on building the independent writing knowledge and skills students need to meet the more complex demands of the curriculum at Level 4. It continues to provide practical strategies, supportive information, and cross curricula examples to explore for accelerating writing progress of students in these important years leading into secondary school. The resource has been updated to include links to other online cross curricula and literacy resources.

Teacher support materials

These Teacher Support Materials (TSMs) have been developed to support teaching writing across the curriculum in years 4-8. They are centred around three main “drivers” when planning across the curriculum: students’ strengths and needs, curriculum foci, and contexts for learning. They draw on stories and themes from the School Journal and Connected across Science, Social Sciences, and English, L2-L4.

Level 2

L2_Social_Sciences_Traditions_&_Taonga_Supporting_Writing (PDF 3MB)

L2_Science_Weathering_&_Erosion_Supporting_Writing (PDF 2MB)

Level 3

L3_Science_Interdependence_Supporting_Writing (PDF 2MB)

L3_Social_Sciences_Making_a_Difference_Supporting_Writing (PDF 3MB)

Level 4

L4_Social_Sciences_Writing_History_Supporting_Writing (PDF 2MB)

L4_English_Writing_Poetry_Supporting_Writing (PDF 2MB)

Making writing judgments

The text and task demands of the curriculum are similar for students in year 5 and year 6, and also in year 7 and year 8. This resource provides practical guidance in making writing judgments at these year levels. It includes teachers sharing their planning, describing their learning and writing tasks, analysing the student writing, and explaining how they are differentiating between these writing standards.

Differentiating between the writing standards

Support and strategies for years 5-8

Approaches to teaching writing

Effective Literacy Practice in Years 5–8: Approaches to teaching writing: this resource identifies and describes the features of a range of writing approaches needed to help students in years 5–8 develop the knowledge strategies and awareness required to become effective writers. This includes:

  • Grouping for writing
  • Shared writing
  • Guided writing
  • Independent writing

Developing readers' comprehension strategies

Students need to develop a repertoire of strategies that they can select from purposefully and independently to build and enhance their understanding of text and to extend their critical awareness.

Effective Literacy Practice in Years 5 to 8, p. 141

We need to explicitly teach individual comprehension strategies within the context of purposeful reading but also develop students’ awareness of how these strategies are used in increasingly complex combinations as they read more complex texts.

Resources in years 5–8

  • Working with Comprehension Strategies Chapter 5: from Teaching Reading Comprehension (Davis, 2007): gives comprehensive guidance for explicit strategy instruction in years 4–8.
  • Comprehension Strategies: Engaging Learners with Texts from Effective Literacy Practice in Years 5 to 8: provides guidance in how to refine and apply the following comprehension strategies as students engage with increasingly challenging texts. This includes:
    • making connections
    • forming and testing hypotheses about texts
    • asking questions
    • creating mental images or visualising
    • inferring
    • identifying the writer's purpose and point of view
    • identifying the main idea
    • summarising
    • analysing and synthesising ideas
    • evaluating ideas and information

Resources in years 9–13

  • Preparing for Reading Chapter 3 and: Reading for deep understanding Chapter 4 from Effective Literacy Strategies in Years 9 to 13A Guide for Teachers: informs instruction for developing and refining students' comprehension strategies. This resource is part of a professional learning programme for secondary school teachers.

Supporting the writing process

  • Effective Literacy Practice in Years 5–8: Creating texts: This resource identifies the processes and strategies and provides some examples of "What learners do" and "How teachers can prompt and support learners" at various stages of the writing process. This includes:
    • Processes and strategies for writing
    • Forming intentions for writing
    • Crafting or composing a text
    • Reflecting on, recrafting, and presenting text
