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ESOL Online. Every child literate - a shared responsibility.
Ministry of Education.

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Learning task 2

Learning intention(s) We are learning to form an hypothesis
KCs/Principles/Values focus Think – make connections, look for patterns; think about thinking; make educated guess
  1. Now that students have been exposed to a range of perspectives on computer games, ask students to consider the ideas on their PMI chart and look for patterns and similarities. For example, there may be a group of ideas about computer games having a negative impact on individuals’ behaviour/ ideas about social problems caused by computer games/ benefits of computer games/ censorhip of computer games etc. Students could draw up a table with headings such as the above and list the relevant ideas underneath.
  2. Students then form a hypothesis based on their information. For example, “There are more benefits to individuals and society from computer games than harmful effects”.

Snapshots for teaching and learning in ESOL

These stories provide examples of ideas and approaches some schools are using in their ESOL programmes.

Freemans Bay School: The importance of belonging
Explicit focus on belonging and building strong relationships at Freemans Bay School.

Porirua East Kāhui Ako: Creatives in schools – a Kāhui Ako initiative in Porirua East
Creatives in Schools funding used to introduce music as a means of fostering an inclusive environment for culturally and linguistically diverse students.  

PN Intermediate Normal School: First voice – empowering bilingual learners
Palmerston North Intermediate Normal School, in collaboration with the Palmerston North City Library and the Manawatu Multicultural Centre, support and celebrate bilingual learners. 

Mid Bays Community of Learning: Working through Kāhui Ako to improve support for ELLs
ESOL specialists share good practice and upskill class teachers in their Kāhui Ako.

Dominion Road School: A team approach to support for ELLs
Support for culturally and linguistically diverse learners and the TALL (Team Approach to Language Learners) project at Dominion Road School.

Howick Primary School: Creative use of ESOL room walls 
Sarah Aye is the ESOL teacher/coordinator at Howick Primary School. She leads the Howick primary ESOL PLC (professional learning community). Sarah has started using the walls of her classroom in a more strategic way. 

Broadgreen Intermediate: Creating a cultural quilt
The ELL programme at Broadgreen Intermediate is supported by Lynda Sutherland. Lynda works hard to know each student personally so that her work is authentic through her relational approach to students and their families.

Improving student writing with digital stories
Bridget Harrison, from Kimi Ora Community School, discusses how her students are using digital stories to scaffold the writing process. She explains that this new approach has led to significant improvements in asTTle writing data.

Hamilton Boys High School
HBHS is a very traditional school with a strong and successful academic focus. Working in an English language immersion setting in all areas of the curriculum is a challenge for new learners of English.

ESOL outdated: English for speakers of other languages guilty of othering


Joris de Bres, New Zealand’s race relations commissioner from 2002 to 2013, recently wrote this opinion piece about there being something othering about the term “ESOL”. ESOL outdated: English for speakers of ... Read more »
