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ESOL Online. Every child literate - a shared responsibility.
Ministry of Education.

Learning task 3

Making a banana milkshake - sequencing activity

Pre-activity discussion. Who has made a banana milkshake? Is it a healthy drink to have? What ingredients would you need? What is the procedure? Use the students' suggestions or the recipe (Word 31KB) here.

Cut banana milkshake handout up into ten sentences. Divide the class into groups of five. Each person has two sentences. The aim is for the group to reach a consensus about how to make a banana milkshake. The key is language used and the interaction in reaching the final order. Encourage justification. Agreeing/disagreeing is to be encouraged as long as it is done in a supportive manner. This may have to be modelled and discussed.

Draw the students' attention to the language features of writing about procedures.

Students then write the recipe into their book, underlining the special language features, for example the use of imperative verbs ( blend, sprinkle) and sequencing often shown by numbers (1., 2.) or sequencing words (first, then).

Make the banana milkshake or follow a similar simple recipe that the teacher would like to make. Use a digital camera or camera to record the procedure for later recall.

Writing instructions

This will probably need to be a shared writing experience initially, depending on the level and competency of the class as writers. It is important to have read a number of procedural texts relating to food preparation as a model to help students in their writing.

Make another drink in class and the students then write the instructions for this as their assessment, or the students talk about a food/drink item from their culture and then write about it.

Cooking with a wok - close reading

Show picture of a wok or bring in a wok for students to examine.

Complete KWL chart relating to what students know about cooking with a wok.

Share answers with the class.

Read the text on wok cooking (Word 42KB) . Vocabulary development. Guess the meaning from context and write the predicted meaning onto the wok vocab sheet (Word 42KB) .

Compare words in context with dictionary definitions. Discuss the independence that predicting from context gives students.

Published on: 09 Jan 2018
