The Making Language and Learning Work DVDs demonstrate how to effectively integrate content-area teaching and language learning in mainstream subject classrooms for students from diverse language backgrounds. They show how to integrate effective literacy strategies, and how a range of teachers in different subject areas scaffold language and content area learning. The materials model how to personalise learning by supporting students at different levels of English proficiency in a manageable way in mainstream classes.

There are three sets of videos in the tabs below:

DVD covers.

Integrating language and learning in secondary maths and science

Making Language and Learning Work 1 shows how teachers can effectively integrate content area teaching and language learning. It features secondary science and mathematics classes at work in a range of schools, showing subject teachers exemplifying good practices in the use of language approaches which make it easier for students to understand subject content. 

Clip 1: Know the learner Clip 4: Make the abstract concrete
Clip 2: Identify language demands Clip 5: Recycle language
Clip 3: Make outcomes the same for all Clip 6: Encourage self-evaluation

Clip 1 – Know the learner

Year 10 science – Finding out about learners' language and schooling backgrounds: 0:32
Year 10 science – Finding out learners' prior knowledge: 1:22
Year 10 science – Using approaches that build on prior knowledge: 2:31
Year 12 chemistry – Finding out about learners' language and schooling backgrounds: 4:39
Year 12 chemistry – Finding out learners' prior knowledge: 6:30
Year 10 maths – Finding out about learners' language and schooling backgrounds: 7:46
Year 10 maths – Using approaches that build on prior knowledge: 8:40
Year 9 maths – Finding out about learners' language and schooling backgrounds: 9:51
Year 9 maths – Using approaches that build on prior knowledge: 13:45

Clip 2 – Identify language demands

Year 11 science – Ensuring learners know the content and language learning outcomes: 0:32
Year 11 science – Identifying the language students need to complete the task: 1:52
Year 11 science – Ensuring learners know the content and language learning outcomes: 3:45
Year 11 science – Identifying the language students need to complete the task: 6:15
Year 9 maths – Ensuring learners know the content and language learning outcomes: 7:01
Year 9 maths – Identifying the language students need to complete the task: 7:53
Year 10 maths – Ensuring learners know the content and language learning outcomes: 10:14
Year 10 maths – Identifying the language students need to complete the task: 11:09

Clip 3 – Make outcomes the same for all    

Year 10 science – Making the lesson comprehensible to all learners: 0:32
Year 10 science – Planning the learning tasks so that all learners are actively involved: 2:40
Year 11 science – Making the lesson comprehensible to all learners: 4:30
Year 11 science – Providing language support as needed: 5:13
Year 11 science – Planning the learning tasks so that all learners are actively involved: 6:30
Year 10 maths – Making the lesson comprehensible to all learners: 8:01
Year 9 maths – Planning the learning tasks so that all learners are actively involved: 9:33
Year 9 maths – Providing language support as needed: 10:23
Year 9 maths – Making the lesson comprehensible to all learners: 11:30
Year 12 maths – Making the lesson comprehensible to all learners: 13:56
Year 12 maths – Planning the learning tasks so that all learners are actively involved: 15:16

Clip 4 – Make the abstract concrete

Year 11 science – Setting the learning context: 0:31
Year 12 chemistry – Linking learning to real life: 1:30
Year 12 maths – Setting the learning context: 4:00
Year 9 maths – Linking learning to real life: 5:56

Clip 5 – Recycle language

Year 12 chemistry – Focusing on oral language before reading and writing: 0:32
Year 12 chemistry – Giving learners many opportunities to notice and use new language: 1:26
Year 11 science – Giving learners many opportunities to notice and use new language: 3:36
Year 11 science – Using tasks that involve listening, speaking, reading and writing: 5:16
Year 12 maths – Focusing on oral language: 6:40
Year 12 maths – Giving learners many opportunities to notice and use new language: 10:10
Year 9 maths – Using tasks that involve listening, speaking, reading and writing: 11:00
Year 9 maths – Focusing on academic language that will be of real use to learners: 12:21
Year 9 maths – Giving learners many opportunities to notice and use new language: 14:14
Year 10 maths – Focusing on oral language: 16:36

Clip 6 – Encourage self-evaluation

Year 11 science – Monitoring student learning: 0:32
Year 11 science – Providing opportunities for reflection and evaluation: 2:17
Year 10 science – Monitoring student learning: 2:54
Year 10 science – Providing opportunities for reflection and evaluation: 4:30
Year 10 maths – Monitoring student learning: 5:40
Year 10 maths – Providing opportunities for reflection and evaluation: 6:32
Year 9 maths – Providing opportunities for reflection and evaluation: 7:40

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Copies of the DVDs were sent to schools and further copies can be obtained from Down the Back of the Chair.

Published on: 19 Jun 2014

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